
SplashMaps proudly co-sponsor Geomob.  This month’s GeoMob was at the Travel Tech Lab.  The next (25th October) is at Ordnance Survey’s Geovation Hub. Join us! Free beer! What can I do? And how can…

Date posted: 22nd September 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on What can I do? And how can I show it off?

Categories: SplashMaps News

SplashMaps is well established now and it’s time to share one of our most productive trade secrets. We haven’t been paying our data licenses! Shock horror? For most map businesses such a confession would…

Date posted: 26th July 2014 | Author: | Comments Off on Our most productive trade sectrets …

Categories: SplashMaps News

Big events deserve the bespoke treatment.  After all, it’s often uniqueness that makes an occasion special. Mapfeinds, outdoor lovers and event organisers alike are all stretching their imagination to make Weddings, Races and their…

Date posted: 20th April 2014 | Author: | Comments Off on Bespoke for Weddings and Races

Categories: SplashMaps News

At SplashMaps we’ve done awfully well out of Open Data.  It gives us the freedom to make our own “REAL outdoors” specification to counter the relatively crowded and unfocussed map offerings from more traditional…

Date posted: 24th October 2013 | Author: | Comments Off on Our own REAL outdoors specification

Categories: SplashMaps News

SplashMaps’ fabric maps are not just a product of print and geospatial technology innovation.  In fact they are mostly a solid talisman of our “open principles” applied to product development.  With so many relevant…

Date posted: 30th September 2013 | Author: | Comments Off on SplashMaps’ open principles get rewarded.

Categories: SplashMaps News

  We dived in this season!  We’ve run races, ridden the ways, provided prizes, manned stands and had our goods thoroughly felt by an awful lot of people. All this tests our original concept…

Date posted: 30th August 2013 | Author: | Comments Off on SplashMaps – our future plans revealed

Categories: SplashMaps News

We’re staying ahead of the game at SplashMaps!  February has been a busy month for listening to our customers, learning new techniques and making some amazing advances in our New Improved SplashMaps.  You get…

Date posted: 27th February 2013 | Author: | Comments Off on New Improved SplashMaps – Clear, official Rights of Way, more pubs and designed for you!

Categories: SplashMaps News