

The crowd is our salvation

Encouraging people to flock together seems counter-intuitive these days. But, as last week’s international Geomob gathering learned, really the crowd IS our salvation! Geomob’s regular monthly video conferences and podcasts are inspirational, topical resources…

From your Doorstep

we’ve begun a new series on our YouTube channel (not subscribed yet?) called ‘From your doorstep’. Each week we will release a new video with helpful advice on how you can create the perfect explore in your exercise time.

Hostile Environments

Their Essential Training Through my work with SplashMaps I get the chance to meet and marvel at the many brave people who take huge risks delivering essential aid while working in hostile environments. This…

Bike Packing

In preparation for our Coast to Coast Wales adventure, we’ll be testing kit and sharing the results with you! This week we’re Bike Packing, covering what you should bring, how you can store it…

Coast to Coast Wales 2020

SplashMaps’ Challenge for the Coast to Coast Wales now has an official map. Together with Max Darkins of Rough Ride the full distance is available on fabric.

Mapping Hall of Fame

During 2019 we gained heaps of customers and clients. So many that we reckon we can field a pretty definitive list of the best in the mapping world in our annual Mapping Hall of…

Plan with a bang in 2020!

Plan with a bang in 2020! Surely map makers are careful people? After all, we regularly share stories of careful planning or of times where the accuracy and choice of maps saved time, lives,…

NEW Ethical Map Tablecloth

From 8 recycled PET bottles! Ethical Map Tablecloth We’re delighted to announce our New Ethical Map Tablecloths. It’s great to gather around and plan or look back on outdoor adventures? Now you can do…