Plan with a bang in 2020!

Surely map makers are careful people? After all, we regularly share stories of careful planning or of times where the accuracy and choice of maps saved time, lives, a heap of frustration or even your brain! So why would SplashMaps decide to plan with a bang in 2020?
Latest National Park
For me, the fireworks at our latest National Park, the city of London, were the ignition I needed for 2020 plans to come together.
Getting this right

For me, the run-up to Christmas is sacred. Simply don’t interfere with it. Like everyone across the globe, at SplashMaps it’s all about getting people the things they want when they want them. Every effort goes into this and, as our Net Promoter score (an industry measure of your customer’s likelihood to promote you to friends) rocketed up to 60 this year, we appear to be getting this right.
Not a time for planning
No, the 3rd quarter is not a time for planning! And because all this seasonal activity begins in October, there’s really no sense of what the coming year will look like until the New Year begins!
Latest personalised map towels

Of course, we have long-term ambitions. Our research programme delivers against well-recognised trends in consumer navigation, electronics and fabrics. Yes, we have big secrets to share later in the year! But, even in the throes of Christmas, we were still able to launch our latest personalised map towels! A signal of a more agile future?
You can’t really plan for 2020
But, this year is different. You can’t really plan for 2020 until 2020 has begun to take shape.

Even now the flavour of 2020 is only just beginning to infuse. For example, like a lot of companies, for ethical, quality and delivery reasons we design in the UK and manufacture in Europe. The recent election has underlined that these good reasons for trading with neighbours are pressurised by the extra costs associated with importing thanks to Brexit.
In good shape

In 2019 Gretta and Sir David have – at last – gained the attention environmental issues so sorely need. Customer’s decisions will follow and, particularly those that love the outdoors, are likely to think more ethically about their travel, challenge and fund-raising ideas for 2020. We’re in good shape on this one, having both invested in ethical fabrics and honed our ability to help people spend more time appreciating our natural habitat.
Our prescription for 2020

So, our prescription for 2020? Of course, keep your long-term ambitions. Spruce-up those things that make you different. Look to the long term in your planning – be that weight loss, gain, personal bests or a specific challenge. But always be adaptable to the important changes in the environment and plan with a bang so you can take advantage of them!