

Hunting with maps

It’s another customer take-over! Here Jamie Woodcock, veteran of the military and fan of the Norwegian hunting fields tells us how his maps worked out for him, his colleagues and hosts on a recent…

History beats Geography at Geomob

History Beats Geography: The Scores History topped the tables with excellent presentations on where geographical names came from and our nation’s obsession with Iron Age Hill Forts.  The scores tell it all… Place names…

“Survive Everything” Maps for Mountain lovers

SplashMaps’ “Survive Everything” maps for mountain lovers are the most durable and practical bits of kit in your outdoor armoury. Weatherproof and wearable fabric maps are the versatile gifts for mountain adventurers this year….

To Green or not too Green?

To Green or not too Green? That is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous green-wash, Or to take Arms against a Sea of plastic,…

Brand Licensing

Brand Licensing Got something to sell? Why not your name? Or your logo?  Perhaps something you call art? Yes, it’s that brand licensing time of year again. And if you want AC:DC or Pokamon…

The Great Outdoors shortlist

The Great Outdoors shortlist is published! There’s no enthusiast like an outdoor enthusiast, but The Great Outdoors Magazine is on its annual mission to find the ones that inspired us the most. Yes, it’s…

New map formats across our range

Making maps is simple Choose anywhere on the planet, choose a format and check-out. It should be as simple as this:- New map formats across our range We’ve recently honed this down to a…

What can I do? And how can I show it off?

SplashMaps proudly co-sponsor Geomob.  This month’s GeoMob was at the Travel Tech Lab.  The next (25th October) is at Ordnance Survey’s Geovation Hub. Join us! Free beer! What can I do? And how can…

Owning the Green

It’s funny how things evolve.  The Gift of Adventure When we started SplashMaps, green was an obvious colour.  It’s about the outdoors; grass and leaves and all that makes the outdoors outdoorsey. When we…