
Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, Chris’ guide to the ultimate running maps has everything you need to know to find the perfect route for your next workout. Meet our Ambassador…

Date posted: 2nd May 2023 | Author: | Comments Off on Chris’ Ultimate Running Maps challenge

Categories: SplashMaps News

51% of people interviewed by Visit Britain plan to spend more time outdoors. But what will they do and where? SplashMaps explores the variety of options and uncovers the increasing attention to diversity, inclusivity and environmental impact from the outdoors industry that helps everyone find their own beloved outdoors.

Date posted: 17th September 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Outdoors for Everyone

Categories: SplashMaps News

Guardian and Evening Standard newspapers Could it be a New Year new you for you in 2019? For January, SplashMaps teams up with the Guardian and the Evening Standard newspapers to help more people…

Date posted: 2nd January 2019 | Author: | 3 Comments »

Categories: Press SplashMaps News

The limits of endurance Mountain rescue and leader training are defined by extremes. They happen at the limits of endurance, in the face of shear weather and foreboding terrain. But the mountain attracts and…

Date posted: 13th December 2018 | Author: | 1 Comment »

Categories: SplashMaps News

Go-on, I know you’re hovering. ‘What would make their perfect map title? ‘, I observe you thinking as you pause over the most intimidating part of the map making process. Child’s play? Though we’ve…

Date posted: 6th December 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Their perfect map title

Categories: SplashMaps News

They’re now in print. The ultimate evidence that you can adventure, inspire and gift anywhere on the planet for pretty much any outdoor venture you could imagine. From desert to jungle, from lakes to…

Date posted: 8th November 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Adventure, inspire and gift anywhere

Categories: SplashMaps News

This week our Make-a-Map personalised map service took-on its greatest test. Can our maps be made to explore anywhere? Could we really make dedicated maps for 9 of the countries’ top explorers’ expeditions in…

Date posted: 1st November 2018 | Author: | 1 Comment »

Categories: SplashMaps News

As a test of my family’s tolerance, my stamina and a SplashMaps’ usefulness when Mountain Biking Anywhere, we booked a 13 day stay at the bottom of Europe’s deepest canyon, the Gorge du Verdon….

Date posted: 30th August 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Mountain Biking Anywhere – Gorge du Verdon, France

Categories: SplashMaps News

Breaking Bland There’s a question asked of all our customers soon after they buy a SplashMap.  It digs for the motivations behind their choice. Our whole product innovation cycle and all of our marketing efforts are…

Date posted: 12th July 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Something unique

Categories: SplashMaps News

Go outdoors! It’s clearly time to go outdoors, grab the bikes and the family and get happy camping this amazing season. Maps of course Last weekend we picked up a few essentials from the…

Date posted: 5th July 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Happy Camping Top Ten

Categories: road testing SplashMaps News