
SplashMaps News

The most influential people in geography

This week we kick-off our 2014 efforts to work with the most influential people in geography. 1) The GeoMob has been the most supportive membership group we’ve experienced in our young life of fabric…

SplashMaps’ Christmas Winner!

We’re thrilled to announce our latest SplashMaps Christmas winner! To mark our SplashMaps Birthday and the launch of our new product Make-a-Map (a service that lets you choose exactly where you want a map…

1 year since

We’re in Celebratory mood this month as we celebrated two 1 year anniversaries. 1 year since we incorporated and 1 year since we launched our initial Kickstarter Crowd sourcing funding campaign. It was great…

The Incredible SplashMap Video

Your maps on fabric explained in just 1 minute and 1 second.  Make your gifts personal, unique and special.  It’s all in The Incredible SplashMap Video.   Our REAL outdoor maps for the National…

Now you can Make-a-Map yourself!

SplashMaps now gives you the power to be your own map maker!  Now you can Make-a-Map yourself! We launched the service on (what Companies House tell me) was our first Birthday at the Crowd…