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find your perfect stuffable fabric Map

Get £5 off the most popular cycle, walking, running destinations world wide! Code tgo2021


Click to choose your Wearable map…

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Ultimate Navigation sq

World Destinations

A perfect gift for everyone who loves the outdoors, including walkers, hikers and mountain bikers

Personalised SplashMaps are

  • Centred anywhere (world wide!)
  • Given a personal title
  • Printed on weatherproof washable fabric
  • Stuffable/ virtually indestructible
  • All you need to navigate:

  • No map carrier
  • Less weight
  • No batteries
  • No fuss!

How you create your own map…




Looking for inspiration? Try these made by recent customers:

Create YOUR map…

Watch the video to see how easy it is to create your own…

Need a Map that's not afraid of mud_

Optional Upgrade: Just +£2 for Toob (Versatile Headware)

When completing your order, select the ‘Toob’ upgrade.

Create YOUR map…

What they say about our maps…

Map-check wherever!

“Hands off my SplashMap! says Army Cadet Commander”

“it was invaluable and so much easier to use than a normal map. An awesome bit of kit!”

– Pete Lloyd, Detachment Commander

Sunday Times travel sledge

“Map Mastery – Chart Hit”

“Paper Maps could be a thing of the past now we’ve found these fabric alternatives. No more fighting with folds or rain-soaked paper, just scrunch it up and put it in your pocket. (You can personalise yours to feature anywhere on the globe.) We’d much rather live in a material world!”

– Sunday Times Travel Magazine