SplashMaps News

Climb mountains and help stroke victims

We’re sacrificing our new found social media prowess in order to climb mountains and help stroke victims. Dad’s Stroke This year my Dad suffered a stroke. It was a shock for us all, but…

And the Autumn Fair Winner is…

…Someone who came to visit us at the Autumn Fair! ++Just note!  This is the last week you can apply for our amazing bulk retail orders.  SplashMaps are £15 each when you buy 20…

Gift of the Year

SplashMaps is nominated as Gift of the Year for our latest range of Stretch Neck warmers of popular destinations and long distance trails. The Gift of the Year Team came to visit us to…

SplashMaps at Everest Base camp

We’re on top of the world with SplashMaps at Everest Base camp and Adventure Travel Magazine. Rosie (AT’s editor in chief) and the team are long-term fans of SplashMaps for their adventures.  She created…


Partners is a term that gets used a lot.  Quite often it gets substituted for “customers I’d like to spend more money” or “suppliers I’d like to charge me less”.  I prefer to think…

SplashMaps’ AGM

There was much to celebrate at SplashMaps’ AGM this year.  Hard decisions  preceded the meeting.  Our office? Geovation office? Tech Hub office? One of the #Geomob favourites at the British Computer Society, UCL or…


We get a lot of mail from people using SplashMaps for survival purposes.  But we don’t get many pictures (well, a few), so we compiled a few shots of our own from a weekend…

Is it a gimmick?

What’s a Gimmick? “Is it a gimmick” I was recently asked by BBC Radio Solent when they came to interview me at the Tec-Hub space in Eastleigh. “Gimmick” suggests to me a flash-in-the-pan, temporary…

Dealing with a Toasting

Dealing with a Toasting It’s hard to hear that others don’t get your ideas.  I guess we’ve all been there.  My moment was on national TV on the business entertainment show Dragon’s Den. Let’s…

The Affable Entrepreneur

The Affable Entrepreneur Evan Davis brands me the Affable Entrepreneur. So I guess my poker face approach never really happened. So what really happened that day at Dragon’s Den?  What did the final edit…