We get a lot of mail from people using SplashMaps for survival purposes. But we don’t get many pictures (well, a few), so we compiled a few shots of our own from a weekend walk in one of the nation’s beautiful National Parks
Following desintation maps (our 1:40 000 maps of every National Park) is simple enough for everyone. The detail highlights the different types of trail and just what you can do on them. Using the same source data as an Ordnance Survey 1:25k walking map they are reliable and clear.
Personally Protective
Personal protective equipment? Nettles, thistles, brambles and insects can all ruin your fun. Our maps are pretty much sting-proof (but we didn’t punch a bee-hive to test it).
Buzzy Annoyances
Midges are a pain wherever you go. The SplashMap is 72 x 72cm, light-weight and can be whipped into a frenzy against these flying perils!
A personal refresh
Maps aren’t often used to shower, but with so many people claiming their use for water filtering, sun shading, washing and toweling-off, you can certainly reduce the load in your ruck-sack by taking one of these.
A map refresh
All our maps can be written on with a felt tip washable pen! At the end of a walk you can re-set your map by simply washing it in whatever water comes to hand.
The featured map here is the South Downs West, but you can find SplashMaps for all National Parks here.