Hard to describe?

Is it hard to describe what you do? You know your part in improving the world, but for service businesses, your efforts can remain unseen if they’re too intangible. If only what you do could be held in the hands of your customer!
Most intangible of all

Location data businesses must be the most intangible of all. We trade in bits and bytes that will relate to a place. The real benefits you bring are realised a lot further down the chain (faster bin collections, reduced logging operations, faster insurance assessments, better decisions etc.). Your concept is essential, but hard to get into the minds and the hands of a customer.
The hands of the powerful

But, have you ever seen how people talk around a map? On familiar territory or on foreign fields, there’s always common ground in those street names, contours and features. After all, the map maker’s skill – honed over centuries – has placed hard-to-reach places and ideas into the hands of the powerful for generations.
The hands of your clients

Use these skills today to make your business concept a gift in the hands of your clients. Unlock opportunities around a map featuring your business and what you do. Conversations begin, imagination gets tickled and, in that shared experience, business can thrive.
Physical, loveable and complete

SplashMaps have made a business of creating maps that encourage this interaction. By making physical, loveable and complete products based on the world’s finest maps – of literally anywhere – we bring you closer to your customer.
SplashMaps wrote the book

Already trusted by National Mapping Agencies, Publishers, Security, and Tourism businesses – SplashMaps wrote the book, a Map for all Seasons, on the perfect map for your target customer. A package of design and print can target at least 70 most influential customers for as little as £1000. Divert your spend from media advertising and invest in something that brings your service to life.
Who uses it?
Thanks to our design and print service we’ve helped security, publishing, hospitality, estate agency and tourism businesses get more tangible. Even national government agencies now rely on SplashMaps to get their point across.
Cunning Running

A line of sight analysis uses clever algorithms, experience and a lot of geo-knowhow. But it’s not easy to explain the importance of the work at Cunning Running. We asked Chris Barrington-Brown, CEO, how his SplashMaps have helped business.
Because it’s unique it sticks in their minds, together with our brand
“We needed something to give to our premium customers that was relevant, useful and memorable. The Splash Maps fabric map of London, branded with our logo, achieves all those things. Our customers value it, can use it when they visit London (as many live abroad), and because it is unique it sticks in their minds, together with our brand.”
Unlock what makes your business stand-out

In the hands of your target audience, SplashMaps can unlock what makes your business stand out from the crowd. Simply by adding your logo, location markers or covering the area of your customer’s interest your merchandise or retail product has become completely unique. Outstanding in use, and forever remembered in the hands of your customers. Visit our Trade pages now!