
High Tech Historical Map Wizardry   Do you know what we mean by an ‘interactive map’? At SplashMaps We’re having trouble distilling the idea of a map that you can scan with your phone…

Date posted: 30th November 2016 | Author: | Comments Off on High Tech Historical Map Wizardry

Categories: SplashMaps News

Christmas Shopping’s Festive Fun in Hampshire   It’s time to get serious about Christmas shopping.  So why not beat the crowds, do it locally and enjoy yourself at the same time?  SplashMaps is proud…

Date posted: 11th November 2016 | Author: | Comments Off on Christmas Shopping’s Festive Fun in Hampshire

Categories: SplashMaps News

Did you think SplashMaps were anti hi-tec? That we’re ignoring technology trends in GPS, digital media and mobile technology. Really? Perhaps our Interactive Historic Map will change your mind. With 16 years of working…

Date posted: 21st March 2016 | Author: | Comments Off on Ignoring technology trends

Categories: SplashMaps News