
SplashMaps in the Lakes

Tested in most conditions...

Tested in most conditions…

SplashMaps are put through their paces in the Lakes. Here they’ve proved essential in the extremes of weather, in the uncertainty of route signage, in the depths of the water and in the heights of the mountains. On tyres, foot or paddle we can understand what our customers love about these maps and have picked up some great insights on where to go next and ideas from those that had trodden these paths before .

I specifically persuaded Mrs SplashMaps that heading for the Lakes for an adventure holiday was a great antidote for all those unhealthy Mediterranean breaks of yesteryear. This was back in March when a long hot summer awaited.

Maps-a-trail-finding in the Lakes

Maps-a-trail-finding in the Lakes – Mrs SplashMaps gives up the Med for the Lakes!

What good fortune that the weather turned particularly SplashMaps-friendly as we took off our sunglasses and crossed the Hampshire border to head North!

According to the Lake District National Park Authority, Keswick is Adventure central for the Lakes (and promanent on our Lake District Central Map) and we’d already penned a number of target destinations and routes onto our map. Most importantly we needed an itinerary of wet weather events… to include walking, riding and canoeing at least 😉

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