
SplashMaps are for babies!

Lindsay's little-one defines the route (give that child a felt tip!)

Lindsay’s little-one defines the route (give that child a felt tip!)

After 18 months of pursuing a roughty-toughty image for our indestructible maps it turns out there’s an untapped market! What makes these maps great for sports women and men makes them ideal for smaller travelers too!  Yes, SplashMaps are for babies!

Have a look at this fantastic baby carrier styled from our Peak District maps.  Angeline Braidwood from Sleepy Nico and Lindsay Snow from BabyCalm & ToddlerCalm contacted me 2 months ago and asked for a couple of maps for a secret project.  Normally this is a kind of code for some military project and we usually expect to never see the maps again as they disappear into “Dark-ops”.  But this time the maps have turned up.  Alive and well!  And converted into a baby carrier!

Well done ladies.  It’s a great niche!  We know lots of map crazy parents out there will want this.  And it looks like you can order bespoke versions too.

So why a SplashMap?  Lindsay tells me the breathable fabric means her child stayed dry despite the hot day of the road test (see pictures) and I bet that specialist rainproof fabric will pay dividends for rain, mud and perhaps other little accidents too! Oh, and it’s a stunning area of the Peak District they all love. (We loved visiting too!)

It’s great when someone takes your idea and builds on it!  Even more refreshing when they stitch it too and find a whole new market for the indestructible SplashMap!

Dry and cool and breathing easy in a SplashMap SleepyNico carrier.

Dry and cool and breathing easy in a SplashMap SleepyNico carrier.

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