
Fixing a stained map

Trail finding on a bike ride with friends and surrounded by beautiful ripe blackberries. I had to stop. My passion for crumble created a perfect chance to demonstrate fixing a stained map of Hampshire.

No tupperware on your bike? No worries. Dive into those brambles & fill-up the map!

Helmet hair

All I had on me was my rucksack with its tools, a map we’d been following and the one I use to prevent helmet hair on my head.

Deftly removing my head map I tied 4 sturdy knots in each corner to create a bowl shape from the square fabric map.

Dive in!

Then it’s the usual. Enlist the troops and dive into those brambles!

Woah! Have I ruined Hampshire? Heavy red stains would write-off most fabrics and certainly all other maps!

Pretty soon the map/bowl was filled with delicious and rather squishy dark berries.

Likely to get crushed

I stuffed the map straight into the top of my back pack where it was least likely to get crushed on some of my favourite Hampshire Trails.

A brief scrub in cool water removes most, but leaves a purple stain

Foraged to death?

Thankfully the map had done its job. No staining or runny stuff inside the rucksack. BUT it really had suffered itself. Had it been foraged to death?

To the machine and a 30-degree wash has this map good as new (its 20th machine wash by the way!)

The pictures say it all!

It’s another tail of map hardiness. Why not share one of yours?

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