Broaden the appeal

Everyone loves a bit of recognition for their efforts.
When working at Ordnance Survey we knew that our leisure products would sell predominantly (+80%) to middle-aged men. It was clear that new thinking was needed to broaden the appeal of maps. At SplashMaps’ launch 8 years ago we embraced this as a major opportunity. We’ve shaped our constant developments with you in mind ever since.

Success story for both brands
Winning Editor’s Choice, from a field of 1500 products, in this year’s Women’s Running Product Awards is an amazing success story for both SplashMaps and Ordnance Survey brands. Our latest Ben Nevis OS Toob Mask was the winner. It’s part of our National Peaks offering and is both a mask designed for the trail and a versatile headwear Toob Map destined for confident exploring. The fabulous response from customers is now recognised with Women’s Runnings’ own “Gong”!
Upgrade our range

The award spurs us on as we upgrade our range of Toobs for the National Parks and Ski resorts throughout the Autumn/ Fall. Check out our growing Vibrant City Range of products too. The Toob mask is already on offer for Stockholm (those lucky Swedes!) and will soon be available in your favourite Northern European cities in time for Christmas.
For comfort, fit, design, value for money and performance

Straight from Women’s Running’s email: SplashMaps won Editor’s Choice in our Women’s Running 2020 Product Awards!
Our expert panel of testers chose the SplashMaps Ben Nevis OS Toob Mask for its Comfort/fit, Design, Value for money and performance.
All scores returned were logged, totalled and then averaged to determine the winner. On 24th September the Product awards will feature in our October issue of Women’s Running print magazine, and on our website.