Today is a day we remember those heroes who fought for our future and our liberty.
I found myself way more patriotic than usual. I whizzed my Scott commute bike through the well ordered cycle lanes of Eastleigh to our new offices at Wessex house with a proud union jack logo around my neck with the phrase “The Heroes” (in Latin) emblazoned in a beautiful swirling script.
This patriotic swoop to work was possible thanks to the work we’ve done with the guys at L’Eroica Britannia who will shortly host the handsomest bike ride in Britain at their retro bike race in the Peak District.
Our stock of maps for the show came in yesterday and I feverishly opened the packs and dove into the material.
Our maps are based on the concept of an escape and evasion map as used by PoW’s in the second world war. These were normally printed on silk and distributed in Monopoly boxes.
So today’s choice of map was for those that made it possible! For the freedom they’ve given us, for the crazy way our country has developed and the inspiration for our whole product philosophy!