Create your own Personalised printed Wearable Map
just £28.99 + delivery (Delivery starts from just £1.42)
Click to create a Wearable map…

A perfect gift for everyone who loves the outdoors, including walkers, hikers, mountain bikers, and…
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How you create your own map…

Create YOUR map…
Watch the video to see how easy it is to create your own…

Optional Upgrade: Just +£2 for Toob (Versatile Headware)
When completing your order, select the ‘Toob’ upgrade.

What they say about our maps…

“Hands off my SplashMap! says Army Cadet Commander”
“it was invaluable and so much easier to use than a normal map. An awesome bit of kit!”

“Map Mastery – Chart Hit”
“Paper Maps could be a thing of the past now we’ve found these fabric alternatives. No more fighting with folds or rain-soaked paper, just scrunch it up and put it in your pocket. (You can personalise yours to feature anywhere on the globe.) We’d much rather live in a material world!”