benchmark of cartographic excellence,”
On the eve of the Adventure Travel Show, Olympia, SplashMaps announces their latest license agreement with Harper Collins Publishing. They now offer The Whole World, Every Country on amazing fabrics! The fabulous maps in the 14th Edition Time Atlas & Reference Atlas are our source and the good people at Harper Collins are able to provide maps from the Bartholomew Collins and the Collins collections. The best maps of the world, its continents and countries can now be screwed up and stuffed in a pocket!
“The 14th edition contains over 200,000 place names. More than any other world atlas which means even small villages are included in the index and on the maps. It is a benchmark of cartographic excellence, trusted by governments, media and international organisations as well as being a go to reference source for households across the country,” Harper Collins.
You want anywhere in the world? Simply pick-up the Atlas and tell us which plate you’d like. OR, just let us know by writing to info@splashmaps.net a country, continent or subcontinent that you’re after and we’ll sort it out for you.
Check these already made by SplashMaps.
“You want The Whole World, Every Country? We’ve got it all in the most famous and fantastic designs AND all on fabric” says founder David Overton.
And these amazing pages picked at random from these amazing collections;
