Through the Peaks
This weekend was The SplashMaps Challenge. Follow our progress through the Peaks as 5 sweaty chaps traipse across another of Britain’s beautiful National Parks.
Explored in confidence
Last weekend we explored in confidence. Not just because of the maps, but also thanks to the comfort of a back-up team from Above and Below Training.
The day began with a race across to the eastern “White” Peaks by car from our no-frills but wholly adequate AirB&B in Buxton.
A bit of pre-planning
We’d learnt a lot since last year, mostly thanks to a bit of pre-planning between December and now, as well as long, focussed discussions with those that actually knew the area.

Above and Below

This year has been really busy for so many. In the wake of SplashMaps’ USA launch and with new products and events to support, it was so good to give the team at Above and Below our spec. for the SplashMaps Challenge which, in brief, ran like this:
1) A challenge! Probably 26 miles
2) Circular
3) In the Peak District
4) With get-out options for a mixed ability group prone to blisters, aches and pains and general fatigue
Peak District East

A selection was made 2 weeks ago and Andrew provided the details within a WhatsApp stream. Firstly a broadly outlined description gave an idea of location and distance. Then, as the day came closer, a detailed image from Memory Map was created from which I penned the route onto my Peak District East SplashMap.
The walk took in the White Peaks (edges mostly) and ventured into the Dark Peaks to the North.
29 miles later

Blessed with fine, cool weather and without the need to carry much water (that’s one thing back-up teams are for) we headed out.
29 miles later (after accumulating 1000m of ascent) we were back to where we began. The stags roaming the edge of Big Moor, the trilling whistle of a curlew overhead and the long twilight of a late June day created a mystical atmosphere.
The outputs

The film fills out all the detail of the SplashMaps Challenge 2018. So rather than running through what happened, let’s talk about the outcomes!
1) We all walked a long way. For most of us, the longest distance we’d ever done on foot
2) We were all stretched, but felt great
3) We’d decided the outcome of Brexit
4) We’d ridiculed Trump
5) We’d navigated!
6) We were quickly back up to pace with each other’s lives, friends and family
7) We’d relived shared encounters with fellow travellers
8) We relished the simplicity of a hastily made sandwich in one of the most beautiful places to lunch
9) We observed curlew’s, peewits and plovers.
10) We witnessed the magnificence of a 10-pointed stag (and all his hareem)
11) We learned from each other’s ideas, businesses and jobs
12) We’d built a great set of options for next year’s walk
SplashMaps Challenge: A good walk improved!

Most importantly, in meeting our friendly supporters at the most remote locations and under a SplashMaps banner, we learnt how the chore can be taken from the challenge and leave you with just the good bits to remember. A good walk improved!