
Here’s a great idea for your Valentine this year. Could anything bring as big a smile to their face as a totally Personalised Valentines map gift?

Date posted: 13th January 2022 | Author: | Comments Off on Personalised Valentines map gifts!

Categories: SplashMaps News

Retrofit Maps on your favourite suit Unique Christmas present At a recent geo event I met an old client of mine, Andy.  As a Christmas gift I’d given him a personalised SplashMap of his…

Date posted: 15th February 2018 | Author: | Comments Off on Retrofit Maps on your favourite suit

Categories: SplashMaps News

5 Years! SplashMaps is 5 years old today! Now as it’s our birthday, it’s a great time to look back at those stand-out moments on our quest to make the best outdoors maps in…

Date posted: 29th November 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on 5 years!

Categories: SplashMaps News

Outdoors Trade Ah, the wide-open spaces!  It’s what we dream of when stuffed in overheated offices and traffic jams.  Well, the Outdoor Trade Show made every effort to create a feeling of space –…

Date posted: 14th July 2017 | Author: | 1 Comment »

Categories: Press SplashMaps News

Can you join us to celebrate the Gift of Adventure? We’re putting on the sparkle for our Top Drawer launches on Monday 11th September.  We’d love you to come! (see form below) SplashMaps’ Top…

Date posted: 4th July 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Top Drawer Launch

Categories: Press SplashMaps News

  Now your SplashMaps orders can arrive all boxed up and ready to wrap! Up to 3 Maps of standard size (72 x 72) or smaller can be placed in a single box. The…

Date posted: 26th November 2015 | Author: | Comments Off on All boxed up

Categories: SplashMaps News

Black Friday deals begin at home with SplashMaps.  That’s right, at home with our existing community of fabulous customers who deserve it!  CODE = britain1 If you’ve bought a map from SplashMaps (personalised, destination…

Date posted: 17th November 2015 | Author: | 2 Comments »

Categories: SplashMaps News