
SplashMaps offer Ukraine Help with all profits from the Ukraine Kyiv Map Toob ALL going to Charity. They need your help to get this news out there!

Date posted: 7th April 2022 | Author: | Comments Off on Ukraine Help

Categories: SplashMaps News

Jordan Wylie’s epic attempt at the Great British Paddle comes to an end after Covid restrictions prevent progress beyond 2,800km

Date posted: 23rd December 2020 | Author: | Comments Off on An epic attempt

Categories: SplashMaps News

Few customers are as compelling as Amy Richardson and the Armed Forces Para Snowsports Team. Like many of our customers, Amy is in the military. But uniquely, her role is dedicated to teaching wounded,…

Date posted: 20th September 2018 | Author: | 4 Comments »

Categories: Press

SplashMaps is sending a team of 5 intrepid walkers on a 3 Peaks SplashMaps Charity walk across the Yorkshire Dales National Park. See our 3D fly-through of the course here; The training has taken…

Date posted: 12th April 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on 3 Peaks SplashMaps Charity Walk

Categories: SplashMaps News Videos

Here’s our donation to your charity! We’ll give you £40 toward your sponsorship if your charity challenge this year raises funds for British Heart Foundation! How do you get it? You need to be…

Date posted: 2nd March 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Our donation to your charity

Categories: SplashMaps News

It’s wonderful to see a SplashMaps supported charity on TV!  ‘Friends of PICU’ will have a volunteer featuring on ITV’s ‘Love Your Garden’ on Tuesday 26th July 8pm. We are very pleased to support…

Date posted: 24th July 2016 | Author: | Comments Off on SplashMaps supported charity on TV!

Categories: SplashMaps News

We’re thrilled that the friends of PICU (the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit in Southampton), raised £10 000 with support from SplashMaps. For their annual fund raiser Mark Hilder, secretary of the friends of PICU,…

Date posted: 28th October 2015 | Author: | Comments Off on Raising funds

Categories: SplashMaps News