Did I miss an opportunity? For over a year we’ve provided the “supersized” map option. In the main these have been ordered by emergency service and training groups (police, search and rescue in particular) so there’s a large situation map for the briefing all parties. But now, in a corner of the Lake District, the Cumbrian B&B owners are finding a new use. The humble tablecloth.

Designing the tablecloth
David, who lives in the beautiful town of Troutbeck in Cumbria sent us this image after selecting the Supersized option when creating a make-a-map of his area titled “Lake District Ambleside”. He wrote;
A new use for SplashMaps?
“Hi Splash Maps
We have a new use for your product!
We bought your map for a use I haven’t seen on your website
We use it for a tablecloth on our Kitchen table.
We live in the Lakes – so when we are having breakfast we can sit down and discuss where we are going for the day.
See pic attached
We looked very hard for a map tablecloth and nobody else does anything like this.
Perhaps you could forward this to your marketing director?
How many uses of a SplashMap?

David, the email made its way to me, and I agree! We could be a lot more obvious on the use of these super sized maps. There are so many uses I feel a list coming on… but will resist for now.
If you have a great insight into how SplashMaps can be used, or how we can improve any aspect of what we do, please respond to this posting. We’d love to hear from you.