At SplashMaps we don’t believe in seasonal gimmicks! We’re far too true to the robust, purposeful and hard-wearing reputation of our brand to stoop to those levels.
So please don’t think we were exploiting the joyous season of crosses and eggs (that’s how the National Trust are rebranding Easter) to push map sales off the back of anything cute.
Prepared for Easter?
The fact we’ve use rabbits to show we’re truly prepared for Easter is completely another point entirely!
In fact, to keep the rugged mountaineers, the intrepid walkers and the slick cyclists satisfied that our maps have been properly tested, we have had to delve into to murky world of Animal Testing!
Which animal best tests stitches and weave?
What kind of an animal can test a map to destruction? We considered many.

Fish were great! Their wet bodies and their liquidy environment would kill most maps, but what could they possibly test on a SplashMap?
Large felines like Lions and Tigers were considered, but how do you get them to see the map as bait?
Following this line of logic really it had to be an animal famed for destruction! A lover of cables and all things man-made. An instinctive gnawer and burrower.
Rabbits are natural Map-shredders
After interviewing rats and gerbils, hamsters and toddlers we arrived at rabbits.
So you can see, our product test had nothing at all to do with Easter, the fact that 1 month old dwarf lop rabbits are about as cute as it gets, or that Easter happens to be maximum map buying time for those that mean business in the outdoors. No nothing to do with that at all, just simply this was the very very best way to prove that SplashMaps are amazingly high quality and cannot be destroyed without a great deal of effort!
