
New Product for Retail

There’s a new product for retail from SplashMaps! SplashMaps Lite are light-weight satin maps now available for London and can be made to order for any location for any retailer.

New Packaging, new material, SplashMaps Lite in the New Forest Visitor Centre

New Packaging, new material; SplashMaps Lite in the New Forest Visitor Centre

We’re working with retailers to grow SplashMaps beyond our faithful and well established market of big outdoor types.

SplashMaps Lite are  softer, lighter and easy to wear

SplashMaps Lite are softer, lighter and easy to wear

Our new series of products are based upon their feedback and appeals directly to their broader audience.

  • Our retailers wanted something that competes on price with the folded waterproof paper maps.  Though popular, surely life’s too short to fold!
  • Customers are keen on wearing the maps, but wanted them to look and feel more sensational.
  • People also loved the idea of a map that was light-weight and scrunches.  Could we make ours any lighter and scrunchier?
  • Our retailers are canny.  They want something that will sell in higher volumes in our Capital City

So we announce our SplashMaps Lite series for retailers!

Adam at GIANT's retail store near St Paul's, London helps us choose the right fabric

Adam at GIANT’s retail store near St Paul’s, London helps us choose the right fabric

Sam from Bike Cafe "Look Mum No Hands" loves the A to Z for his customers

Sam from Bike Cafe “Look Mum No Hands” loves the A to Z for his customers

These maps are now on sale in Stanfords in London, The New Forest Visitor Centre, and The GIANT shop near St Pauls in London.

London stores have been quick to pick up on the potential

London stores have been quick to pick up on the potential

This retail silk material is light-weight and hangs beautifully to display both parties logos.

This retail silk material is light-weight and hangs beautifully to display both parties logos.

Call us about our new product for retailers.  As with all our maps we can offer bespoke maps on this new material too.  Want your store on the map?  Have a garment idea?  Contact us now!


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