The Adventure Travel Show in Olympia was a great chance to test our latest ideas for bespoke, international and neck-warming SplashMaps on adventurers from around the globe!

It’s great to meet amazing companies like the history thumping Time Trekkers and the easy-paced Rwandan adventurers at Slow Cycle for the first time plus Active 360 with their amazing historical ship and water-bound activities.
Friends from the death defying 360 Expeditions for mountains had tales of adventure and Badri Gajurel gave a solid and emotive message that Nepal’s trails are open for business with Earthbound Expeditions. Trek Nepal wanted a 4 x 4m map (okay guys quote on the way!).
Nick Miller from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office warned me away from the perils Somalia, whilst Sense Africa, Close Encounters and the Kingdom of Swaziland tempted me back to my African days.

Discover the World took me further afield and the guys at Footprints guides had beautiful city maps to show me how to get around when I got there. For it all Nomad would equip me whilst the Globetrotter Club would no doubt advise me well, wherever I go. (Ed: Did you spot any product placement there?).
So many quotes to do, and a competition winner to announce! A whole bunch of stand holders joined our mail list and now it’s time to announce The Adventure Travel Show Winner!
Sarah Ahern with the Exodus team! Congratulations Sarah! I will mail you details of your voucher shortly.
For everyone else don’t forget our amazing January offer on maps of ANYWHERE in the world. We’ve slashed our minimums and opened a whole range of new sizes ( 20160126 January Offer ) all of which can be made bespoke for your business. You can even become an affiliate and get some returns on your beautiful maps!