What3words? No, not our usual SplashMaps 3 words; washable, wearable, weatherproof; but the new reference system that addresses the issue of the unaddressables. You know, the start/ finish points of a race. The temporary retail space at a festival. The shack within the shanti town.
Like all new concepts in geo (open data, open source etc.) they can all appear to be a little intangible. So we were bowled over when the rising stars at what3words asked us to help them make a physical form of their reference system.
So what is this new way refernce? Check back to this from a short while ago.
The important news is you can now use this reference on our map finder to pin-point the exact location for the centre of your Personalised SplashMap!
How did our beautiful satin scarf of Yosemite strike attendees at Millennial 2020 conference last week? Clare Jones of what3words says;
“Splashmaps with what3words is a perfect partnership for explorers and travellers. Fabric maps printed with 3 word addresses can help locate first aid points, bike repair shops, payphones, pubs and other key point with ease – even when there is no data connection.”
SplashMaps and what3words both plan to take on the USA this year, national park by national park, Yosemite is now Clare’s example of choice. Our map seems to suit perfectly!