
The limits of endurance Mountain rescue and leader training are defined by extremes. They happen at the limits of endurance, in the face of shear weather and foreboding terrain. But the mountain attracts and…

Date posted: 13th December 2018 | Author: | 1 Comment »

Categories: SplashMaps News

Why is Snowdonia the most mapped part of Great Britain? It’s quickly becoming our most popular destination series of SplashMaps and, since we introduced our “ask the expert” to position the maps perfectly, there…

Date posted: 20th April 2017 | Author: | Comments Off on Ask the expert to position the maps

Categories: Press

Christmas Shopping’s Festive Fun in Hampshire   It’s time to get serious about Christmas shopping.  So why not beat the crowds, do it locally and enjoy yourself at the same time?  SplashMaps is proud…

Date posted: 11th November 2016 | Author: | Comments Off on Christmas Shopping’s Festive Fun in Hampshire

Categories: SplashMaps News

Our Duke of Edinburgh Award Offer is live on the DofE Shop as they become our 31st retailer! Parent or participant, if you’re involved with the award you get the most amazing 15% discount,…

Date posted: 15th April 2016 | Author: | Comments Off on Duke of Edinburgh Award Offer

Categories: SplashMaps News

It’s no secret. Inspired by the heroic and ingenious stories around escape and evasion maps during World War 2 we decided to steal the idea to make SplashMaps. We’ve always loved the history behind…

Date posted: 25th September 2015 | Author: | Comments Off on Escape and Evasion Maps

Categories: SplashMaps News

All together now! We’re all going on a… Summer Holiday/ Adventure/ Long distance Treck/ Climb/ Ride/ Dawdle/ Fishing Mission/ Paddle/Ramble/ Coasteer/ Mission!  Phew! If only Sir Cliff could have foreseen all the adventures we…

Date posted: 6th July 2015 | Author: | Comments Off on We’re all going on a…

Categories: SplashMaps News

SplashMaps’ Man beat off 73 competitors in the Long Distance Maverick run held in Sussex on the Weekend to take gold!  Team SplashMaps Ultra wins our first race of the season! True to form,…

Date posted: 20th April 2015 | Author: | Comments Off on SplashMaps’ Man wins the Maverick Race

Categories: SplashMaps News

SplashMaps is looking to Richard Branson to help get maps on fabric to the broader public. VOTE  SplashMaps using this link,  until March 5th. SplashMaps excels in selling to high end specialists who really…

Date posted: 20th April 2015 | Author: | Comments Off on SplashMaps’ Pitch to Rich Branson

Categories: SplashMaps News

SplashMaps are ahead of the game again! Our first street level city maps launch simultaneously through our retail partners and our website. Our London Maps are designed for walking, running and touring the city….

Date posted: 11th April 2015 | Author: | Comments Off on City Maps

Categories: SplashMaps News