
A reliable formula If there were a reliable formula for innovation it might go something like this; Visionary + Nerd = Innovation. Lennon and McCartney follow this formula as do Morcombe and Wise and…

Date posted: 10th October 2019 | Author: | 1 Comment »

Categories: SplashMaps News

This week our Make-a-Map personalised map service took-on its greatest test. Can our maps be made to explore anywhere? Could we really make dedicated maps for 9 of the countries’ top explorers’ expeditions in…

Date posted: 1st November 2018 | Author: | 1 Comment »

Categories: SplashMaps News

Travelling into London is always an education.  I’ve met terrific people on the train so many times, and now that the LUSH shop in Waterloo has been converted into a sweet-smelling map-shop there’s double…

Date posted: 15th July 2016 | Author: | Comments Off on An Education

Categories: SplashMaps News

We’re always quoting what magazines and learned institutions say about our maps.  So here’s a mix of customers and the photos they’ve shared over the past month. One sign of a successful product is…

Date posted: 11th December 2014 | Author: | Comments Off on 80 customers returning

Categories: SplashMaps News