UK Cycle Maps

The national cycle routes of the UK and Ireland.

Cycling destinations and personalised cycle maps

SplashMaps®’s mapwear products improve and help share your love of cycling adventures and the outdoors.  That’s because we offer a wide range of formats including unique weatherproof fabric SplashMaps® and SplashMaps Toobs™ (think snood, neck gaiter or beanie) of the most popular cycling destinations. Or you can even choose your own area with your own title. Our versatile products include long distance, mountain and city editions, assuring the best navigable map is on hand for most challenges on a bike or two feet.

Customised and merchandise maps

Have a team challenge or in the outdoors trade? Check our amazing custom SplashMaps options.  Whatever the event a SplashMap makes an amazing guide, a treasured piece of merchandise and a cherished ever-lasting memento.

Award-winning maps

So literally any cycling challenge is covered; from our award-winning designs for the Tour du Nord to your local Wednesday Wobblers club night group.

Partnered with map classics

We’ve partnered with map classics at Ordnance Survey, Harvey Maps, Harper Collins, Excellent Maps and many others so we can make the best maps even better for cycling!

Price - slider
Map Scale
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