
Popular destination SplashMaps using OS Explorer!

The latest Snowdon map designed by our customers

The latest Snowdon map designed by our customers

We know outdoor and armchair travelers love their Ordnance Survey (OS) Maps.  And we know that more and more fabric maps of the most popular destinations in Great Britain are immensely popular with our REAL outdoor adventurers.

So combining the two to make popular destination SpashMaps using OS Explorer seems to make a lot of sense!  In fact customers have been creating Ordnance Survey maps on our fabric for 5 months now using our Make-a-Map service. This means we know the places in the country where people are mad keen to get their hands on maps with the additional field boundaries and detailed tourism information you expect from an Ordnance Survey walking map.

It’s our customers that have pointed us to the best places.  And who better to help position the maps precisely? Using this feedback from the people who count we’re starting to make destination maps at 1:25 000 scale.

Snowdon is first.  What should be next?  Why not let us know what you think. Perhaps you can shape our next product launch?

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