Our International Maps Launched at Baden-Powell House in London. Invited there as guests of the Scientific Exploration Society and in celebration of 30 years since the first Operation Raleigh voyage we spent the evening in the company of intrepid explorers.

John Blashford-Snell held the 200 strong audience of Raleigh Expeditionists in the palm of his hand as roars went up for each named individual, craft and bridge built during this amazing history. John, the co-founder of Raleigh (now Raleigh International) together with Prince Charles, managed to keep the audience enthralled for a full hour and a half with tales of deadly snakes, hippo attacks and amorous Gorillas interspersed with heroic tales and tragic losses.

To an audience of serious adventurers our maps were a huge hit, and with only sample quantities of stock we couldn’t satisfy every one. But with the promise of an international personalised SplashMap service in November, our host announced to all that SplashMaps will make exceptional Christmas presents.

John himself, despite his 78 years, is planning expeditions for the SES in Costa Rica, Peru, Columbia and India in 2015. We’re looking forward to working on his jungle-proof maps. to add to his extensive collection of Great Britain SplashMaps.
The choice of location was highly appropriate for our on-going Scouting Magazine competition. 12 maps will be given away to the best young cartographers on 1st December. Don’t delay! Get mapping today.