
Giving Maps a Dirty Name

SplashMaps is giving Maps a Dirty name with its mud-proof maps. First our Media Release, “Military Covert Map Copies On Trial “20151003-SplashMaps-Survival-Fest-2015-FINAL reveals how we stole the idea from the military.  Which led to a lot of questions at the Bear Grylls Survival Race.

Explaining ourselves to the Commandos

Explaining ourselves to the Royal Marine Commandos

Not flustered at all, our intrepid MD took on more than he could chew with the burly instructors as he defended SplashMaps’ personalised, destination and international maps.

Overton ready for a fight!

Overton ready for a fight!

Proving that heroes are made not born, John took on the survival race – his first ever competitive run since school!  He was proud to beat the man in the mankini (Eds note: having followed closely behind him on most obstacles ;-)).

Pumping up in the Bear Grylls Warm-up

Pumping up in the Bear Grylls Warm-up

Our photographer, Matt,  became obsessed with the filthy way these mud-loving adventure racers describe themselves.

MeeshBertie Ditches

But it was Mike’s wayward selling style (was he selling the maps or himself?)…

Steady Mike!

Steady Mike!


… that meant it was him who took it in the stomach in the end.

Mike meet Geoff, one of Bear's Survival instructors

Mike meets Geoff, one of Bear’s Survival instructors

So our maps were literally dragged through the mud for 20km on an assault course designed by the Commandos for Bear Grylls.

Bear with one of our photographers, Ed, and signing the cloth!

Bear with one of our photographers, Ed, and signing the cloth!

We now declare our maps totally, officially, Bear Proof!  Is that giving maps a dirty name?



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