
5 steps to never ever being lost

The most reliable way

In just 2 minutes you can learn to never ever be lost again! And, believe it or not, a printed map and a compass is still the most reliable way to forget that crushing ‘lost’ sensation forever.

Boost your confidence

Can’t interpret what a map tells you? B*ll*cks. The super simple 5 steps are clearly demonstrated in the video and are as relevant now as they’ve always been. Boost your confidence on any hike or ride. Remember, all the best discoveries are still made this way.

Map and Compass: the only combination!

The 5 steps

So, sit back and enjoy our latest short how-to movie on the 5 steps of never ever being lost.

Map setting in white-out conditions

Any proper map?

Everything in the film can apply to any proper map – even the paper ones!- and the most basic of hand-held compasses.

Batteries drained?

No batteries drained in the making of this film. Tears and tears associated with more fragile kit are a thing of the past.

Professionals planning in groups

More advanced?

Planning and more advanced navigation? Jump to our advice from professionals using SplashMaps in groups, for rescue and survival. Top tips like their’s arrive weekly. Are you signed-up?

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