SplashMaps’ UK Maps prove an inspiration for cyclists.
SplashMaps route planner uk
SplashMaps bring adventure to anyone anywhere. But on our islands, consider them the ultimate route planner uk. Fiona and Gary of Inspiral Cycles thought just that when they created a new interior design for their shop.
Maps online
Interior design maps are just one of our 10 Map maker options on the SplashMaps site. Fiona used our maps online service to pick-out the main cycle routes on the local maps close to Bishops Aukland in Co. Durham.
Ordnance Survey map
The 25k style Ordnance Survey map is blown up to a maximum of 280 cm tall and 140 cm wide. Great for a super-clear wall covering. But for the whole of England and Wales or Scotland on one sheet, try our UK Cycle map series or any of our Long Distance maps from Harvey Maps.
Checking the 3 areas with the detail button assured they had all the popular routes of the area. Now customers can come-in and check-out their rides unaware of the cupboard space concealed behind.
Maps are always popular in interior design. And in shops that help you love the outdoors, what a brilliant way to keep people dwelling in your space a little longer.

Here to home
Having your own map of your cycling area makes the most of the valuable time you set aside for adventure. Head out and emerce yourself in new discoveries, then simply thumb your way from here to home on your unique fabric map. BUY one NOW!